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TGCSAS Via Kennedy 15, 21040 Jerago con Orago (VA)


According to the "hygiene package" defined by the European Regulation n. 852/2004, it is necessary to keep the instrumentation in perfect working order to avoid non-compliance in the production processes Maintenance is an important aspect of the safety of each activity: in addition to determining risks for food (physical and microbiological contamination for example) a break during the period production inevitably translates into higher costs for repairs (which at that point will have to be done in an emergency) and in production downtimes which are equally economically harmful. Too often, maintenance is seen as a passive cost to be contrasted with the rather "primitive" logic of running the systems until a failure occurs which will require attention. Annex II - Chapter V1. All material, equipment and equipment that comes into contact with food must: b) be made of such material as to minimize the risks of contamination if kept in good condition and subjected to regular maintenance;
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